How Investors Read Your Business Plan

I’m an info nut and prefer graphic displays of information. This why I love sharing infographics with you! 🙂

The graphic below makes it easy to understand what an investor requires in your business plan and it’s current – not based on a 1970’s scenario. According to Jeff Clavier who provides seed funding to start ups, these are the questions you should prepare for.

Inside-the -investors-mind

NGO passionistas often find it difficult to communicate their organisation’s value in business terms and sometimes simply lack an understanding of the terminology. If your mandate is to provide shelter to abused children what do you care about words such as profit margins, markets and traction! And I don’t blame you!

But somewhere we have to break even and make the most mean spirited capitalist sensitive to your value. Read this this graphic and feel free to post questions. I don’t know it all, but I’ll certainly try to help! 🙂

Good luck, I’d love to hear from you and am looking for content directly from non profit organisations. I’d like to include your experiences in a blog post soon! Let me know what you’re doing!