Why tweeters use Twitter

People who use Twitter colour it with different needs and intentions.

The largest percentage, 42%, use it to access information about products and services but only 21% purchase them. So if you want to sell something, your ROI (Return On Investment) is low – but the ability to engage a wider market is high.

Social media accounts such as Twitter are therefor best managed from an engagement perspective as opposed to a sales one. In other words, tell people about what you do, share information and passion don’t try to drive sales. Motivate for comments from fans and followers and measure your online success by their participation.

Twitter provides an opportunity to follow global funding organisations and intellectual leaders, and be informed of trends. You have access to information organisations share, advice they freely give out and funding application deadlines. Just as you need to access their information – so people want to be able to have access to the magic you bring to the world.

Strategically, more NGO’s need to turn their skills into a service in order to increase sustainability. NGO’s could offer specialist training to corporates as an alternative to surviving solely on funding. They can use Twitter to share training ideas and become a thought leader in their field.The competition for funding, challenges around attracting donors and  funding constraints-  places NGO’s in a hostile environment. These constraints don’t simply apply to to a lack of accessible funding structures but also the criteria that exist in order to satisfy funding requirements.

The infogragh illustrates what tweeters use Twitter for, information that can help you to be more strategic and relevant to your followers.